Monday 4 June 2012

Will Bilowich

Will Bilowich

       By Bucking Billy Beavis

                        Billy bucko bucked and bolted
                        Because Will the beaurocrat
                        Begged him to

There are men and women who leap and creep, jump and hump, smile and wile, preen and sheen, kiss and hiss, piss and sip, snipe and gripe, flail and sail, and kill and drill if they are asked to by the right person, someone in authority over them. These don’t even have to be asked but already know what is wanted of them before the speaking of a word and they do these requirements willingly to please their masters. To make points. They got point-making agendas. These are the Sebastians of the world. Yes, they are. And the masters are the Alonzos. They, the leapers, are the seekers after trumpery.
       Will Bilowich was a fop. He did what Willy Bridmc, a respected Canadian novelist, guest writer at the literary affair of the moment, asked before Willy Bridemc (a Scot. Rrrrrollllll the ‘rrrrrrrrrr’ and rrrrrrraise yourrrrrr voice in a keening high ‘i’ sounding like “aaaaiiii” and then lower it dramatically for the “mc”) asked him to. Yes, he did. Innndeedy. Weeellll, Will would say as he set off on another errand for Willy, what good can come of this. No, that is decidedly not what he asked. Not what good can come of this but what can come of this. What will I do to make things as comfortable for Baaaaby (as in sheep’s baaaing) as possible. He had always been "Baaaby" to his mother.

       (to be continued)

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