Monday 25 August 2014

the hapless sailor

the hapless sailor
     by Popeyes

come people wont you listen
there's a story i would tell
about a hapless sailor
who went on a ship
to take a trip
when he was only twelve

he thought that he would travel
for a year or maybe two
but thirty years went by
before he got back to
the city from
where he had gone
when he began to roam

  he said that when
  this trip was o'er
  he'd turn around
  and go back home
  and never more would roam
  he said that when
  this trip was o'er
  he'd turn around
  and go back home
  and never more would roam
  he'd never roam

he often would remember how he left the family farm
with mother in the kitchen
father in the barn
and sister milking cows

and all those years he'd wandered
he had pictured getting home
how he'd walk in through
the old screen door
and call the names
of all the ones
he'd loved before
he roamed

  he said that when this trip. . .

then one glad day
when they drew near
the harbour lights of home
a pirate came acalling
for their ship to stand
and give him room
or he would blow
them all to kingdom come

the captain he fought bravely
and the sailors they did too
but when the day was done
the hapless sailor lay
upon the deck
with all the crew
and none were going home

  he said that when . . . etc

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