Tuesday 2 November 2021

A Few Weeks Before Our Wedding

A Few Weeks Before Our Wedding

     by Marriageable D Reimer

A few weeks before our wedding Terry Berg and I assumed use of the new orange Volkswagen Marty and I had bought with Marty’s savings from her previous year of teaching. We took it for a trip, a holiday, an exciting adventure for two guys before one of them became more tied down. Banff bound. 

     It was dark when we arrived at Regina’s outskirts. We turned onto the perimeter highway to the south of the city. We hadn’t gone too many miles before we noticed ahead of us a parked semi truck with its hazards flashing. We slowed a bit but couldn’t see anything that seemed to be the matter. When we turned our eyes back to the road ahead we suddenly saw—sort of—something dark and unlit in our lane. Black against black. Terry was driving. He hit the brakes but it was too late and we slammed into the overturned vehicle. 

     Luckily we were only going fast enough by then to crunch the fender right up against the wheel, destroy the bumper and make a mess of the front end body of the car. We felt very lucky because neither of us were hurt. We had been going slowly enough to keep that from happening. The police arrived shortly and brought the two of us to a nearby motel where we stayed the night. I was dead tired and exhausted and wanted to sleep. Terry was stimulated, overstimulated. He wanted to talk and tell stories and philosophize about the whole event. It was not a good night. Instead of continuing on west towards Banff, we waited till the car was hammered back into shape enough to be driven. Not roadworthy, but drivable. Then we headed east. Home again home again jiggity jig. 

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