Monday 13 December 2021

I Learned To Swim at Nine


I Learned to Swim at Nine

     by Frogleather Doug 

I learned to swim at about nine, in Buffalo Creek, a half mile west of Altona Village. I waded in and got down on my hands and knees and crawled along with my chin up to keep from swallowing water. The water was cloudy and thick with mud churned up by the cows that came to this pool to drink. Weeds at the bottom tickled me and my hands and knees sunk into mud at each movement I made. I remember not enjoying the sensations, until I realized with a great shock that sometimes I seemed almost to be floating and then that, by flapping my arms some, only my knees needed to touch. My upper body stayed above water! Then, after a bit of this I began experimenting lifting my knees and at the same time flailing my feet and legs a moment while I held my breath, to keep the swamp water out of my mouth. I remember the lurching of joy in my chest, the pure pride exhilaration that flowed suddenly through me! I was free of the ground, skimming (sort of) a little above earth without any part of my body touching it! I kept silent about it, as if announcing my new skill would somehow burst it apart. Happily I float-flapped along until we kids headed home on our bikes. Ah, the secret pleasure of the knowledge of me swimming, me, as i peddled homeward. I can swim, I can swim, I can swim I chanted quietly to myself all the way to my house. 

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