Saturday 8 May 2021

Bill Bentley Buck and Bob

Bill Bentley Buck and Bob
     by You-Can-Call-Me Ray Jay

Bill Bentley quickly buggered off
As soon as he was able
He leapt forthwith upon a steed
Acquired from the stable

He’d spent most of his father’s cash
On presents for his Rose
She’s hightailed it when that was gone 
Or so the story goes

We weep we pine we wring our hands
But all to no avail
The grace that’s i’the entire world
Won’t fill a leaky pail

So keep your pecker (courage—Med. Eng.) up my son
Don’t hasty into town
The one who gets up earliest
The sooner he’ll go down

So when the three mice felt the shame 
Unaided to their homes
They all lopsided went back to
And tried to hide their lame

The moral of the history of Bill  Bentley Buck and Bob
Is never give them anything
And never take a coin
Don’t namely give a shite


Bill Bentley Buck and Willy Bob
Agreed Will was a silly slob

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