Wednesday 28 July 2021

in the thick night

 in the thick night
      by bovine bill bigg 

brenda gender
did the murder
in the month of may 
the man she killed
was often billed
a thin man during day
she hated how
he hated cow
and hated women more
so one day late
just at the gate
she struck him to the floor
it was no feat
he ate no meat
he stood nigh six foot six
no thinner man
no slimmer man
no lard was in the mix
she hit him hard
with no regard
for where the blow would fall
it knacked his pate
with all his weight
he buckled to the floor
she curtsied once
and with a bounce
she sashayed out the door
his being thin
was just not in
she thought as she left there
next time be nice
to girls with lice
keep on your underwear 
this is the tale
of thin man bill
of how he got his pay
for skipping meat
he got no day in court

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