Tuesday 15 March 2022

Mr. Char’s New Employee 2

Mr. Char’s New Employee  (continued)
     by do me re

Wesley, swift to appear as always, could hardly hide his amusement. This fact did not escape the preceptive Char. 
“What are you smirking at?“ Char asked, with rather a thick sense of hurt in his voice. He tried to reassure himself but to no avail. He laughed. He farted quietly, though Wesley heard and forgave him the small social misstep. He reached to help the large man and, attempting to grab his arm, he found himself strangely grabbing that goodly’s wanger. 
      “Oh! I’m sorry, Sir!“ he said, hastily withdrawing his proffered help. I do not know how I managed to reach you there by the, by the…. It was entirely unintentional, and accidental! I will go back to my room immediately, Sir. If you have no further need of me!” 
     “Not on your life!” Char thundered at him needlessly. The instant Wesley heard the stern request he re-entered the room with alacrity. He grabbed hold of the fallen superior’s shoulder. He had him by the collar, to be exact, and grasping this article of apparel for purchase, he heaved with as much force as he could muster, for a small man. The bigger of the two still lay there for a moment, balanced between moving up and staying down. 
     Once the movement upward began, however, it accelerated at a rather alarming rate. Up he went, and up some more, until he came flying out of his downward position with a speed that neither he nor Wesley had anticipated. He could not stop himself, being a big man, and already having energetically decided that he wished to be out of his former state, wedged into the corner between desk and wall. He fairly flew off the floor and toward the wall just behind and to one side of his desk. The tall window being open, he ran out of it in full stature, as if deliberately. He even seemed to step over it’s low lintel. He jogged hurriedly through the window, hovered an instant and disappeared from sight without a word spoken. Wesley stood there a second transfixed, uncertain of what had just occurred. Then he ran to look. The seventh floor window was high enough that he had just enough time to see his superior fall the last 20 feet or so to the grass below. He flailed the air, landed, sat up for a second looking toward his office window and then fell back on his stomach, dead beyond recovery.

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