Wednesday 2 March 2022

There or Ever Will

[Written about 2001

There or Ever Will    
  by The Right Dishonourable Mr. Wrung

snippet whipped the ball back to
the boy who couldn’t run 
he shouted out encouragement 
and asked if he’d had fun
the little tyke replied with verve 
he hated every day
though when I asked him if he should 
he gave himself away
snip also had a home he said
and now he spoke with care
off the beaten path a ways
they had a little place
In east transcona by the tracks
well out of seeing’s way
they came there after work and in
the early evening hours
they came there even during day
when others earned their pay
they came in transports came in cars
came on buses, too
they came to pay their last respects
at peggy mary’s pew 
it had not died but never mind
it was a handsome one
and they would pay their last respects
if all they’d ever do
they paid their last respects for hours
and oft the night would fly
when they went on their merry way
they’d put the money by
at christmas time small snippet got
a lot of pretty toys
and he was glad they all had come
and loved them everyone
i hope you come again he cried
in his light worried sleep
god bless you all and god ye bide
and god love everyone 
saying that he soon awoke and looked
about him out of doors
the moon shone lovely bright and clean
deep snow lay all about
the fire burned low quiet now
then hardly burned at all
bright stars had almost gone to sleep
and welkin left for home
the kine lowed in the hilly wood
the corbies picked an eye
the barn owl hooted furtively
and billy baggins bawled
snip could not hide his finer face 
and put it soon to work
and long before him off to bed
god granted him his wish 
I will he said give you a friend 
but one thing you must do 
you’re bound to travel off to lands
where fear will rivet you 
a green man of huge head and hands 
will ask you to be quick 
he’ll let you sleep in his wide home
but then give you the stick 
he’ll try to break your back and arms 
and hit you on your pate
but if you tarry long enough 
he’ll fill your empty plate
you’ll go home fully recompensed
and long johns warm your sprite
a coke and pizza then you’ll have 
with every meal and bite 
so don’t despair don’t go alone 
to weary lands and far
but stay here warm and happy in
the lands of taramar 
here snow in winter rain in spring 
and sun in summertime 
will keep you happy all the year 
e’en when the fall won’t come 
the leaves will stay green on the trees 
and buckets shoal the ground
the ice in craziness will peel 
from off the birches round
the oddest spirits will appear
out of your waking dreams
over and again they’ll howl
for you to climb sunbeams
but don’t go near do not find them 
leave them good lord alone
for once they’ve fairly spotted you
you’ll leave this world for aye 
once they’ve fairly spotted you
you’ll leave this world for aye
now snippet heeded none of this
he went along as planned
and when he woke to find himself 
he found himself alone 
in the ground he lived thenceforth 
he worked and toiled all day
till on a morn at twelve o’clock 
his sprocket whirred away
and snippet left this lonely vale
for places in the sky
nor has a single soul heard from
him there or ever will 
his grandpere lives here still in perth 
he plays the mandolin 
when phone calls lure him from his home
he joins the merry men
that altogether get into
a van and travel far
to places that have asked him to
make music in their bar
the bluegrass tunes they then intone
are sparkle wit and whir
and all the ladies and the gents
drink liquor at the door
the band continues till the dawn
and ladies do so too
and gentlemen have all gone home
to sneak into their rooms
they’re careful not to wake their wives 
these fearful beings think
for if they find them clamouring 
they know they’ve had to drink
and then the fun will just begin
and years will follow years 
till the diurnal round has come
and gone a dozen times
and only thus and only then
will wives not angry be
they’ll once more lick the little spots
that on their cheeks appear
the spots will be as fine as e’er
and now they’ve licked they’ll joy
in having once again come round
to be no man only a boy
(To be continued)

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