Saturday 9 April 2022

Urgubabba Embers

 Urgubabba Embers
     by Doug the One-Eyed Wonder

President Moomoogabi reached over the embers of the sweat fire and asked for cake. He received it from the hands of the bowed figure directly across from him. On his right, a quaint and huddled form waited. When that one had received the goodie from the president, he in turn passed it directly over the fire to Pulvis, the priest in charge of the event. Pulvis likewise, after touching it again to his groin, reached it towards his right and that one shook his head. Pulvis offered it to the one on his left and, when that goodly person also declined to receive the morsel, he popped it into his own mouth. He smacked his lips loudly, as a sign of his enjoyment, and then asked for another.
     “One taste is never enough!” he remarked, and ate a second and then a third slice of kangaberry cake.
     “Nice!” he intoned and stood up to leave. 
     “ Not so fast!“ Moomoogabi growled. “Sit down! I’m not finished here!” Pelvis did as he was told. He pouted. In his heart he knew that one day this man would pay for inflicting such repeated humiliations on the sacred one. He would not be so treated. Moomoo looked about the fire. He paused till all were quiet and then spoke. 
     “You, my eunech, deserve to be blessed with material wealth if not with the warmth of a wife. You are so deprived year after year, and you give such an abundance of skill and wisdom despite your thin life that I am in immense awe of your goodness. Here, sir, take this gold. Each year that I am in this position of leadership you shall receive a present of equal worth as well as coinage enough to feed and clothe you and all of your relatives.” Moomoogabi swallowed, smiled and handed the necklace to the surprised holy man. A bow, scraping of feet, and the priest fell prostrate before his beneficent leader.
     “Thank you! Thank you!” was all he could say. Over and over he repeated his thanks until Moomoo told him to stop or he might recant his promise. 

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